Not on purpose though. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I know I sure did.
In my last post, I tried to act like I was such an important person by announcing that I would be back after the holidays. Truth is, I just didn't get my Beautiful Black My Touch pictures finished and I was too lazy to get them done. Then, Christmas came and Chad gave me these books. I can't resist books so that's what I've been doing. I started the first one on Saturday. I wasn't too far into it when I took this picture and I finished the last little bit tonight when I got home. So now here I am, back to my favorite pass-time, Blogging! I'll get some more pictures up soon. I know how anxious you "all" are to see them....Dang, I crack myself up sometimes.
Anyhoo...are you wondering what I think about Twighlight? It's good. Chad and I have been talking about the series for a while, wondering what all the hoop-la was about. We were going to rent the movie the other night, but they were out. I haven't really had any desire to read the books or watch the movie, because I'm just not really crazy about vampires, I have never been interested in them. I've never even really seen any movie about vampires. So anyway, the subject hasn't made us interested in the Twighlight series, but wondering what the big deal about them has. So, our conversations made Chad give me the books for Christmas. He won't read them, but we will see the movies soon.
Oh yeah...back to the hoop-la. Well, I can see it. I don't know that it's so much about the story as it is the charecters. I've heard people who haven't read the book, say how weird it is that grown women are swooning over this young guy Edward from the movie. I haven't seen the movie, but I can see why they are swooning. The way this young man has been written, is amazing. I can see him perfectly and, he is pretty much perfect. It's easy for me to understand now.
I wouldn't say I'm "hooked", but I will say it's very good, and I'm glad I got the books for Christmas. So, even if your not into vampires, give Twilight a try. It's defiantly not a waste of time. K - gotta go. New Moon is calling.