I love fog and I was hoping to wake up to a Thanksgiving morning like this one in 2008. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Something about the quietness of this foggy morning is etched in my memory. I remember the stillness of this morning like it was yesterday. There were no sounds, the chickens wern't crowing, dogs were not barking, no cars zooming down the street. Everything was still. Even the fog seemed to be content just lying quitely.
Oh what a beautiful morning. One to be truly thankful for.
This is our turkey from 2007. Mmmmmmm...I can smell it now. Oh wait, that might be the one in the oven that I can smell.
Either way, in just a few hours, my house will look similar to this 2007 Thanksgiving day. And I'll be patiently waiting for my family to get here.
I am so grateful today, and every day, for all I have been blessed with.
Happy Thanksgiving!