Wow - I just happen to love my blog right now. I just want to look at it...for a minute, or two, maybe a little longer.
I'm sure you all think I've fallen off my rocker, but really, I haven't. I just didn't know this would be so much fun. So with a little help from a few places like; and, I think my blog looks fabulous right now.
Sorry, I'm not usually so vain. I am just really surprised. I didn't know I could be this creative. And I had no idea that it would be this fun. When I first started blogging, I was really shy. I've moved up now, and I'm only kind of shy. It used to feel like I was standing in front of a million people, naked, and they were looking at every imperfection. And now, reality has hit and my million people have turned into about 5 or 6, and my clothes are back on, and I'm on my couch in my living room visiting, and it's not so scary. In fact, it's kind of like therapy.
Ok, thanks for listening.