Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Old Life

I'm really missing my old life.

The life I had a couple of months ago. The life when I could meet Chad and Zachary for lunch at El' Jefe's -  aka "my rwestwant".

And pictures like this would magically appear on my phone while we were drinking chocolate milk and waiting for the chicken nuggets and fries that would be dunked in ranch dressing and grandpa's sour cream, together.

Yes, that's the life I miss. So, so much!


Meet Annie - She is the newest member of our house.

Lately, Ruby has seemed to be a little lonely while we're  gone during the day.

So we've been trying for a while to find her a friend to keep her company.

It was my lucky day when I stopped by Animal House one day after I left the track.

This cute little thing was just waiting for me to take her home.

Her beautiful face reeled me in, but it was her sweet personality that I couldn't resist.