Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Morning

The sun wasn't up yet on Thanksgiving morning when I went out to feed the horses and I was so surprised to see this rare Pahrump weather event. It was so calm and so peaceful, there was no wind and no sounds, just quiet. After feeding, I went back to bed, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I just kept thinking about the absolute beautiful Thanksgiving morning I was missing. So, I got back up and took my camera outside and thought about all I was thankful for.

This last one was a little later in the morning and the sun was trying to peek through.


  1. Anonymous1/12/08 23:05

    I just have to point out something. It seems you are always one step ahead of me and it is very rare that I see some point of veiw that you haven't. But I found it funny that you said that nobody voted in your poll that they never visit your blog. But that does make sense that no one would vote for that because it would be hard to do considering they are on your blog at the time they voted that they never go to it. Does that make ay sense? It's kind of hard to explain what I am saying. But I just had to point that out...LOL!!
    I love those pictures though. I wish we could have been there. Love and miss you!!!

  2. Lol Lindsy - That was just an attempt on my part at being funny and not so serious. I guess it's hard to "hear" the tone of voice in my posts. I knew when I put it up there that no one should vote never, but I thought someone would, just to tease me. So, I'm sticking to my original story; I'ts so cool that there isn't anyone that never visits my blog.

    I love and miss you guys (seriously). Thanks for commenting (seriously), now I know you guys haven't forgot about me (joking, I know you forget me).

  3. oopps! I meant - I know you CAN'T forget me. LOL

  4. Anonymous2/12/08 10:08

    LOL...Okay you know that I just had to make a point..LOL!! I could never forget you (seriously). Hope you have a good day!! (seriously)

  5. Anonymous2/12/08 13:41

    Thanks for the point..LOL.

    I hope you seriously have a good day also.

    P.S. I seriously love it when you (and everyone) leave comments. Keep them coming. :)

  6. Anonymous3/12/08 21:20

    Okay I will. Hey, I need your address so I can ship your present out o ya and you chrstmas card. Love Ya!!!
