Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blogger Buddy

She's back at it. Kristy has updated her blog. You can visit it here.

We set up her phone so she can post to her blog from anywhere. We haven't quite figured out how to send pictures from her phone, but we will keep working on it.

In other news; The little boy came over to play today.

He had a hard time deciding what we should have for dinner.

He didn't think this ranch dressing was quite enough.
We should have two ranches. That would be a good dinner.

We finally settled on cheese sandwiches. With ranch.

Monday, August 16, 2010

It all started with Puppy

I looked at this picture of Ruby a lot today. I made it my desk top at work and at home. And, it's the wallpaper on my phone. I love her. It's that simple.

 It wasn't always her though, there have been others.
It started with Madame Felicia Ferocious...who we called Puppy.  That little eight week old black and white Old English Sheep dog Puppy was sleeping just inside the door when I got home from school one day. I loved her the second I saw her. She turned out to be a better friend to me than any kid in the neighborhood. Loyal. Loving. Trustworthy.

Puppy would have loved Ruby. And like me, Ruby would have loved Puppy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Junkyard Blues

Way up north of town, down a long dirt road sits a junk-yard.
Two Brothers Junk

I didn't know that there could be so much organization at a junk yard. Most every thing was in order and labeled.
My Sister-in-law, Athena had a car like this back in the 80's...hehe.
This old bus is surrounded by a motor grave-yard.
I was careful not to get too close to this stack, I was afraid that 2x4 might not hold.
This old truck was my favorite. I think I've had a dream about a truck like this before. I couldn't quit looking at it.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Birthday boy

Happy 1st birthday baby Elliott.

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