Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Trunk or Treat

Have you ever wondered what Zombies do when they are not out looking for brains?

They watch TV. Just like normal people.

We went to the church tonight for "Trunk or Treat"

We decorated our trunk...and then gave treats. haha.

It was fun. On the way home, Chad asked me if I remembered that Halloween twenty some odd years ago when his Mom and Dad dressed up and went around to the front of our house to scare the kids. He said he was thinking about that today as he was getting ready, about how he thought his parents were weird and that they should grow up.
"And here we are." I said.
"Yep" he said, "here we are!"

Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Story (sorry, It's a long one)

We lived in the Nevada desert for over 15 years before we ever saw a  tarantula. The first one was this spring when we were planting oleanders. The story of it is here. We spent most of the summer digging up holes in the yard hoping/not hoping to find another.  Until late one night, a few months ago, CJ went outside and found one on the porch. ON OUR PORCH.
The next day, he loaded up the kids and the tarantula for a drive to the desert so they could release him back into the wild. Kristy wrote about that day here,  on her blog.

A few weeks ago, Kaylynn's kids told me that they found a  tarantula up at the race track. It was squished! Someone had run it over (by accident I'm sure).

Chad's picture of tarantula
But he wasn't the only one,  Chad told me where I could find yet another one. This one was alive though,  He found it in one of the concession stands up front and took outside so the tarantula could find more suitable lodging for the winter.

So all of this brings me to today, when I got this picture text message from Kaylynn:

Text from Kaylynn

 Me: haha...where did that come from:
 Kaylynn: On the road by Home Depot
 Me: You stopped to picture him? (Preston's saying)
 Kaylynn: Ya, I made Marvin turn around. He was more daring to get closer than me.
 Me: LOL. He could have got a little closer. I want to see the details of his legs. LOL.

 And then I took my phone into the Business office to show Debbie. She thought it was so cute and told me he should have caught him to give to her.  I called her crazy and went back to my office. And then I got this text.

 Kaylynn: He said he will (go) back and get it and bring it to you if want.
 Me: Okay. Then I can take pictures with my good camera. :) Haha.

 And I think he is just teasing me, then she says:

Kaylynn: OK. See you in a bit.
Me: (uh) lol. I don't have my camera. It's at home.
Kaylynn: We will put it in a coffee can.
Kaylynn: With a lid on it.
Me: You don't have to bring it.
Kaylynn: We are on our way.

CRAP!  Now what do I do?  Debbie!

 Debbie was way more happy than I was when I told her Kaylynn was bringing her the spider. I wanted pictures, but not bad enough to have it in my office. Even if it was in a coffee can.

Matt from work took this picture
Anthony got close enough to take this one.


 Debbie is not afraid,. She was in love. And this is where the ruckus in the office started. Debbie posed, while we screamed and took pictures.  Just another day at the office!

edited to say: Debbie took the spider with her to lunch and then left it with her husband. He wanted to let it go. She said he wasn't to thrilled. haha.

Causing a stir

Picture sent to me today from Marvin

this "little" thing is causing quite the ruckus in my office today.

I'll give you the story when I get home from work tonight.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010


Zachary will always hide his face from me when I try to take his picture.
 (that's road rash on his forehead)
The Nevada sky will always be beautiful... sometimes more beautiful than words can describe.

Dandelions will always fascinate me... even if they are just weeds.

My blog will always be a place for me to go...even if I lack inspiration.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Christophers Turn

Christopher had the camera yesterday at the track.

 He was especially proud of the pictures of my jeep.  He made it climb a hill, then kicked it into 4wheel drive to bring it back down...according to him.

Oh, and the one in the center. Of course.

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Good morning

What a way to start the day.

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Bugs are easy prey

I've been taking a lot of pictures of bugs lately. The dead one yesterday was pretty neat.

 I don't really have a thing for bugs.  Well I didn't before I started taking pictures.

This Preying Mantis looks like what I imagine an Alien might look like.  Weird.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Dragon Fly

Is it morbid to take pictures of a dead dragon fly?

 I hope not...because I did.


My drive home

I love this time of year.

What would I do without my camera phone?
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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Mud Man

Funny how  a little mud and a bottle cap can brighten the day.
I'm going to use these pictures as inspiration for the week.

Thanks Camron...You and your friend are going to remind me to smile!

Have a good week!