Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Monday, April 27, 2009

Keywords that land them here.

I googled it myself back in December when I wrote this post, but I had no idea that "that'll do pig" was such a popular quote. Maybe other people say it as often as Chad and I do. My counter has a keyword analysis and Farmer Hoggetts' praising words to Babe, seem to be the most popular search that lands people on my blog.
Next in line for top searches that find me are; birthday alerts and pictures of funerals. A couple of people were looking for Henry Long or Sundance Kid, I wonder if they were sorely disappointed when they saw that I really don't know anything other than what I told you here or here.
There was one person that was actually looking for me (or us), I know this because they searched yahoo for chadandtrudi (how many chadandtrudi's could there be in yahoo search land?).
And last but certainly not least, I can't help but to wonder what prompted one searcher to google "what does going out on a limb mean?" I know what it means to me, and I sincerely hope they found the answer they were looking for.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

It's him, It's him!

It's official. According to the poll conducted right here on my blog, William Henry Long is in fact Sundance Kid.
They didn't even need to dig him up to get this kind of information. They could have saved all the trouble and just asked my readers (all four). I have not heard what the results were of the tests they preformed when they dug him up, but I don't really need to, I know the answer. I have a poll.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Letter F


Many words come to mind when I think about the letter F.

But none of these words are this picture.Flame

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

thE lEttEr E

I know I have you on this one...
but just to be sure, there is only one hint and it really shouldn't count.

It starts with the letter E

Ready? GO!
Hey! Its earth day. I think I'll hug a tree hugger.

ABC Smarty Pantses

OK Kaylynn and SinDee, A B and C were easy. So tell me, did my help help? Or did you just know when you saw them? Here are all the answers.




I have a really good one for E. I'll post it tonight. And I'm warning you, it's going to be really hard. And...I'm not going to have the name in the label, your going to really have to guess.
See you later.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

D is for...


These are growing in my front yard. I love spring!

Silly Me

I admit it. I'm not so smart. Here I am trying to disguise my pictures by blowing them up to just show a tiny piece. Then, I label them with the name of what they are. Just put your cursor over the picture, you'll see it. Happy guessing!

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Letter C

C is for...

You don't get any clues this time.
I think this one is easy.
Do you?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Letter B

B is for:

Here are your hints:

It works best with heat.

You can take it fishing.

Or on a picnic.

It smells when working.

Leave your answers in the comments. Guess as many times as you want. The first correct answer wins.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Picture Alphabet

The letter A

Can you guess what this is?

I'll give you a few hints:

It's two.

It can have a different name.

The name I'm calling it, starts with an A.

Be the first one to guess correctly in the comment section. You won't win a prize, but people will think your smart.

The continuing saga

So technically, he's not totally right. We don't know for sure it's a tree.
But look how much it has changed since the last time I tried to convince myself that I was right.
And now I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that it's probably not a weed. (notice the words fact and probably used in the same sentence? I must not be totally convinced.)
OK, so I'm sure it's not a weed. Sheesh.
I'm not telling Chad that it's not a weed though. I'm just not going to say anything more about it.
He won't see this post and I'm not saying it's a tree.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Do you guys remember Rosie? Here she is with her sister Mitzi when they were first born last June.

Mitzi moved away soon after about 8 weeks. But Rosie thought she would just stay here and play ball.

But then she started dreaming of the outside world. And wished for her own little girl. So she moved to Las Vegas where she could live the rest of her life as Makenzie's very own doggy.

I got a letter and a picture from her the other day. She said she is happy and content. She loves her new family. Here she is with Emma. She wishes us well, but doesn't really miss the dirt. She has grass now.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

This bud's for you.

These are for you! I stole them from my sister. Go ahead, take them. Do they smell good?

OK, so I didn't really steal them. My sister gave them to me as a birthday gift. Only not for my birthday and not from her.
They bloomed on Thursday and they are purple. Thursday was my mom's birthday.