Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Monday, November 30, 2009

Eye See you - Picture #5a and 5b

Eye don't know...Eye'm weird, what can eye say?

This one looks pretty cool though. What color are your eyes?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Touch Collage

There...Here it is. The collage that I usually post before I start showing you all the pictures on my phone. I don't know what happened this time. I just jumped right in. No worries though, I have it now.
Dont worry, there aren't 15 billion fireworks pictures.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Whoops! I got a little carried away

I've been posting the pictures from my beautiful black My Touch, but I forgot to number the pictures on a collage so you could see what was coming up.

So while I'm getting that ready, enjoy a nice cold drink with Zachary.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Speshells of the day - Picture #4

Christopher helped Aunt Puppy at the consession stand in the pits by writing out the menu board. I think I'll have the speshell; a bag of chips and a drink. Thanks Chris!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fish Lake - Picture #3

Fish Lake, Utah. We went fishing there in October with Chad's brother Trent. It was cold and windy, but worth every minute.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Caller ID 2 - Picture # 2

My wonderful husband and beautiful daughter.
Chad ........................... Kaylynn

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Caller ID - Picture #1

This is Sheila and Debbie, they work with me and I took these photos for the caller ID picture for them on my phone. They are so cute!
Many of the pictures in this group are caller ID pictures. I like to include all photos that are on my phone at the time I download them, so you get these pictures too.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I thought my life was over...

...When my beautiful black My Touch fell out of my pocket while riding the quad at the race track. I heard a sound and for a second thought I had run over something and flipped it up under the tire. But, after replaying it in my mind, I realized I hadn't run over anything and turned around only to see my phone laying on the ground in pieces. I had Zack with me and I didn't dare leave him on the quad by himself. So when I stopped, I took him down and we ran over to the wreckage. I quickly grabbed the pieces of my phone but I immediately realized that the battery was gone. Zack and I frantically looked around for a second for the battery. And when I couldn't see it right away, I made a decision that almost made me cry. I had to leave without it.

I could see the action of the Monster Trucks on the track and one was headed for the exit. Once it was off the track, we would be in it's path. I stuck the two parts of my phone in my pocket and took Zachary by the hand and headed for the quad. We made it by the time the truck was off the track, but he was clearly headed our way. We were a little freaked out for a minute because those trucks are HUGE. We inched over to the side near the fence and stopped. I just hoped we were far enough out of the way. We were over far enough and the truck stopped and turned around way before it even got near us, but it sure was scary for a minute.

After the truck stopped and the driver got out, Zacky and I zipped around him and went down to the stand side. When we stopped I went to get off and felt something under my foot on the running board. I looked down and guess what I found? My battery! I was so happy. I thought it was gone forever and even if I did find it, I thought it would have been run over 50 billion times by race cars. But there it was. I popped it back in my phone and it worked. IT WORKED!

So now, because my phone was spared, I can share with you the pictures that I have been taking with it. I told you
here how good the pictures are from this phone and I even proved it with a picture of little Elliott.

So are you ready? Check back tomorrow for picture #1.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ruth asked, so I'll be telling

Ruth, at synch-ro-ni-zing had decided to host a major blog event in which she calls "highly anticipated truly GLOBAL" and is expected to have participants well into the tens of thousands.

So what is this highly anticipated blog event and why am I'm telling you? Because her mind is inquiring, she has asked everyone in blogville to mark their calenders for December 1st and post an entry on their blog titled "How I named my blog".

No one has ever asked me that question before. And until now, I have never really felt compelled to just tell. I think I might be going out on a, but I'm gonna do it.

If you read Ruth's post, you know about the dangers I'm about to face in doing this (traffic jams, paparazzi drama, protesters, etc.). I'm willing to do it though, for you.

I'm afraid now, very afraid.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The End - Picture # 29

I still have this picture on my desk at work. Michelle had texted me to tell me she was here.This is how I showed her how happy I was.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Are we there yet? - Picture # 28

Sammy was getting so tired of just riding around in the back seat. He sure was a trooper though.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yee Haw - Picture # 27

Every time we go to Lakeside, Zack has to "ride" the horses out front.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Picture #25

OOPS! Has anyone seen picture #25? I have mis-placed it.

Picture #25 is/was another picture of the girl and her grandpa at the bus stop. Only they aren't there. Well they ARE there, but I wasn't quick enough with the picture so you can't see them. Which... is why we have picture #2. I had to keep trying until I got them.

So intstead of the people at the bus stop who aren't in the picture, I thought I would just give you a recap of all 29. Follow me?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Again - Picture #24

I promise to never take another picture of fireworks. Forever and ever amen!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh what fun - Picture #21

Are they over yet? I should probably tell you that I don't even really like fire works. I like going to watch the fire works though. It's fun. Especially When a bunch of my family get our chairs together somewhere in the middle of the Desert just before dark to wait for the fireworks. While we're waiting for them to start, we play, and talk, and tease, and sometimes eat and drink, but always have fun. I can't wait until next year.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gunter Kids - Picture #20

Man I love and miss these babies. I should run and get them right now. They are calling for me.

Monday, November 09, 2009

See? It's Ortega - Picture #19

Per Kaylynn's instructions, I was to get Ortega Nacho Cheese Sauce in the blue can from Costco.
Well this was the only can that said Ortega, and it had a dent. The other cans were labeled all the same except for the word Ortega.
I didn't want to buy the dented can, but I don't get assignments from my kids very often and I didn't want to fail.
So, being the resourceful mom that I am, I took a picture from from my phone to prove it was Ortega and got the un-dented can.
Two points for Mom!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009

In the back seat - Picture #16

Mandy girl when they came to visit. She looks just like her mommy in this picture. I never really saw the resemblance before, but those lips are Tiffany all over again.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Who Knows - Picture #14

I can't remember if I was taking a picture of the empty lot at work on what looks like a rainy day, or Tommasino's across the street.

Or maybe...I was trying to capture Romero's, the Mexican Resturaunt next to Tommasino's , across the street from the empty lot, which would have been empty because of a tent sale.

Could be I was taking a picture of the clouds on this day that looks as though it may have been raining.

I wonder if I was trying to get a picture of that Durango on the empty lot.
Nah, I'm positive thats not it.

Hmmm...I don't know what this is a picture of.

Oh well!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

July 4 2009 - Picture #13

Sorry I have so many pictures of fire works from the 4th of July. I only took them to prove that my phone camera could.

Monday, November 02, 2009

For the birds - Picture #12

I don't really like birds. I can't remember why I was taking pictures of this bird with my phone. When I saw this picture, I thought I accidentally took a picture of the road. Then I saw it. Oh yeah, the bird.

Do you see it?

I remember trying to get a good picture the bird, but I don't remember why. Did I tell you I don't like birds?
Strange things happen in my world!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Say Cheese - Picture #11

Anytime I see pictures from this day of Mandy, I will here the words of this video.
This girl makes me happy!