Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Recent random stuff

Today was the first day of trying to adjust to the end of Daylight Savings Time. Dang, that's hard to get used to. I don't like it getting dark at 5:00. The only plus is that I get to sleep in tomorrow.
I had lasik eye surgery about 8 years ago. They fixed my astigmatism and I have been able to see 100% better than I did before the surgery, for all this time. But lately, I have noticed that I don't see as clear as I should. So, I went to the eye Dr. and he confirmed that I can use some help with my distance vision as well as my close up. So basically, he said I'm getting old and recommended...........are you ready for this? Bi-focals! Sheesh....I'm not even 40 yet. Actually, age isn't completely to blame for my diminishing eye sight. He said that the cornea, the part that is reshaped during lasik, is like hair. It just continues to grow, so eventually my astigmatism will and has started to return. I could have lasik again to touch it up and it should be good as new. My close up vision problem though, is age. And even if I did redo the lasik, I would still need reading glasses. So I ordered progressive lenses which I can wear to see close up or far away. I hate that I can see so good with them. I don't want to get dependant on them and wear them all the time. Oh well, on the bright side, I'm not blind.

Halloween was fun, we went over to Anthony's to have birthday cake and ice cream for Zachary's birthday. He didn't quite know what to think when we turned out all the lights, lit a "2" candle and everyone was singing to him. He was looking around like we had lost our marbles. He was just about to get mad when the song was over and his daddy was encouraging him to blow out his candle. Next year, he may understand it a bit more.

After cake and ice cream, we followed all the kids to the Saddle West for some trick or treating. They had closed off the outside corridor of the hotel and made a path past hotel rooms where people were handing out candy from the rooms. Some were dressed up and some had there rooms decorated. I don't know how many rooms there were, but the kids all got a full bag of candy. Then at the end, they had a haunted house that you had to go thru to get out. You could by pass that part if you wanted to, but who wants to do that? That was the best part. I think all the kids had fun and no one was tormented too bad.

Speaking of the Saddle West. Since Chad and I had such a great time when we went to see the Beverly Hills Chihuahua, we decided to share it with the kids. So, we picked up Kaylynn's and Anthony's kids and went to the movies. The only one we didn't take was Zachary. We figured we were already pushing our luck with 6 kids, so we better not try it with a baby too. The kids had a great time. None of the kids except Aly had been to the movies before so it was quite the treat. We had drinks and popcorn and Grandpa and Grandma survived. It was a great night.

Last, but not least; Sunday is quickly becoming my favorite day of the week!

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