Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Love in My Life

Hearts of love have been following me lately.

These were the 1st ones I noticed.

Chad gave them to me on our anniversary.

It was Valentines Day.

He loves me and wanted to show me.

Even though he didn't know it. (that he wanted to show me that is)

 A few days later,

I went to lunch. Alone.

And this little love showed up on my plate unexpectedly.

I didn't notice the love in this fluffiness.

Until CJ pointed it out to me

That was back in November when I posted this picture.

I see it clearly now.

Just now, I realized where this love started.

And it makes me happy.

Very, very happy!


  1. How sweet! And the little darling with the hear-shaped rock. Love is everywhere if we can only see it...

  2. It sure is Nancy, and I plan on looking for it more often.
    He was sure proud of that little rock!
