Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~ Dr. Seuss


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Don't call me at home

I'm sorry, I can't go to work today.
It snowed all night and I must stay home to play.
The desert is white for as far as my eyes can see.
Don't call me at home, instead, come out and play with me.


  1. The kids had a great snow day with only a light snow cover on he ground. It's funny especially thinking back to when I went to school in more than just a few inches of snow.

  2. I wish I really had a snow day...That was just dreaming this morning when I wrote that. I don't ever remember the school being closed for snow when I was a kid. And sometimes we had a lot of snow.
